
Creates an interface that allows the user to easily launch Qt widgets. The widgets are placed in a pyqtgraph DockArea.

Module Contents



Represents an arbitrary QWidget that can be loaded from the MainWidget.


Qt widget for loading other QWidgets.

class nspyre.gui.widgets.main.MainWidgetItem(module, cls, args=None, kwargs=None, stretch=None)

Represents an arbitrary QWidget that can be loaded from the MainWidget.

  • module (types.ModuleType) – Python module that contains cls. The module will be reloaded when the user clicks the “Load” button.

  • cls (str) – Python class name as a string. The class must descend from QWidget. An instance of this class will be created when the user tries to load the widget and it will be added to the DockArea.

  • args (Optional[list]) – Arguments to pass to cls.__init__.

  • kwargs (Optional[dict]) – Keyword arguments to pass to the cls.__init__.

  • stretch (Optional[tuple]) – The dock stretch factor (stretch_x, stretch_y) (see DockArea docs)

class nspyre.gui.widgets.main.MainWidget(widgets, font_size='18px')

Qt widget for loading other QWidgets. It displays a hierarchy of widgets for the user to select and launch, and a pyqtgraph DockArea where they are displayed. The widgets dictionary passed to __init__ can contain sub-dictionaries in order to group widgets together.

Typical usage example:

import my_module
import nspyre
from nspyre import nspyreApp
from nspyre import MainWidget
from nspyre import MainWidgetItem

# Create Qt application and apply nspyre visual settings.
app = nspyreApp()

# Create the GUI.
main_widget = MainWidget({
    'Experiments': {
        'ODMR': MainWidgetItem(my_module, 'ODMRWidget'),
    'Plot': MainWidgetItem(nspyre.gui.widgets.flex_line_plot, 'FlexLinePlotWidget'),
    'Data': {
        'Save': MainWidgetItem(nspyre.gui.widgets.save_widget, 'SaveWidget'),
        'Load': MainWidgetItem(nspyre.gui.widgets.load_widget, 'LoadWidget'),
# Run the GUI event loop.
  • widgets (Dict) – See example usage for the required form.

  • font_size (str) – Dock label font size as a string (e.g. ‘14px’).